Whatever -Whenever -Wherever
1-24t -Crane trucks -Tail lifts -Swing lifts - Semis - Tautliners +Container Storage
Whatever, Wherever, Whenever! Crane Trucks - Semi Trailers - Tautliners - Road Freight - Container Transport
Freight and Personal Safety
Our company takes chain of responsibility seriously. We monitor drivers for fatigue management and for speed & load control. Drivers are trained in all aspects of fatigue management, road safety, load management, pre-trip checks, equipment management, personal safety (including hygiene, sun safety, healthy eating), PPE, emergency response, working at height, mass management, using dunnage, assessing risk, dangerous goods. They are tested on this every 6 months.
Road & Driver Safety
Our drivers are monitored for fatigue through GPS locators on vehicles, route planning, and compulsory rest periods. We require drivers and offsiders to use paid accommodation on their long distance journeys to afford rest, better hygiene and stopping for meals in accordance with basic fatigue management. Food allowances provide drivers and offsiders to prepare their own meals or purchase them from truck stops along the way. Whilst drivers and offsiders can choose to stay in the vehicle and use the roadhouse facilities, we prefer them to use pre-paid, booked hotel or cabin accommodation. Dispatchers and Managers are inducted in Fatigue Management, booking system incorporate delays and time management to avoid excessive hours. Long distance drivers generally only drive during daylight hours. All heavy vehicle drivers use their work diaries, records are kept and reviewed. We take our fatigue management seriously.
Road Safety
Unlike many transport companies, we do not push our drivers to time limits, nor do we commit to customers around time limited deliveries. Our heavy vehicles have speed limiters installed so they cannot exceed 100kph. All vehicles have GPS trackers with alert systems installed so that excessive speeds are logged and raised with dispatchers. Drivers receive re-induction around road rules and speed limits every six months. In 17+ years of operations, our drivers have exceeded speed limits on very few occasions.
Fleet Management
We comply with all vehicle standards around Australia. Daily pre-trip checks are undertaken by drivers and sent to dispatch and operations managers. The fleet is inspected weekly by fleet management. In-house repairs are undertaken by qualified diesel mechanics and outsourced repairs by similarly qualified mechanics for heavy vehicles. Drivers are trained in the specific aspects of each vehicle. Modifications are carried out and certified by authorised services.
Road Safety
Drivers are inducted into safe load restraint and vehicles are fitted with and carry appropriate load restrain equipment. Loads are restrained in accordance with the national Load Restraint Guide. The appropriate vehicle is allocated to the appropriate type of freight. Dispatchers are inducted into how to choose the correct vehicle for the load.
Road Safety
All parties are inducted into mass and dimension management when loading a vehicle. Drivers have appropriate equipment for measure mass and dimensions. When a consignor or loader attempts to overload a vehicle, drivers are instructed to reject the load. All appropriate documentation is requested and carried for jobs, logged with the online dispatch system, and copies kept. Vehicles only travel on roads which are authorised, along those routes. When oversize, drivers travel during permitted hours, along permitted routes, and with pilot escort vehicles, if required.
Driver Safety
On a six monthly basis, drivers are inducted into key aspects of road safety including risk management, driving safely, managing a load, restraining a load, dealing with customers, keeping records, pre-trip checks, safe lifting, accidents and incidents, speed limits, financial management, height safety, using pallet jacks and equipment, and more. Dispatchers and Managers are inducted annually into CoR, DG management, Fatigue management, load restraint awareness, First Aid, Fire safety, Air Cargo management, maritime security and failsafe protocols. We aim to maintain currency in our education.
Staff and Driver Welfare
Our staff and drivers are re-inducted into the basic principles of maintaining good personal health, both physical and mental, every six months. Topics include sun safety, personal hygiene, stress management, alcohol and drugs, bullying, healthy eating, financial management, healthy sleeping, heat wave management, and more. Where a driver or staff member is under strain, we assist where we can.
All staff & drivers use Personal Protective Equipment including masks & use hand sanitizer daily. Gloves are used when needed. All staff and drivers are trained in the appropriate use of PPE and sanitisation procedures. Anyone who enters our office is required to use hand sanitizer and a mask before entry. Sanitisation procedures are followed by all staff for shared space, equipment and common touch areas including vehicle refuelling and vehicle touch points, according to the company protocols in place since May 2020 and in compliance with the Queensland Government Public Health Directions since May 2020. Our drivers and offsiders are trained in the use of and comply with the National guidelines on COVID19 work safe practices.